

🐤 @regresssion

phd student in philosophy
university of bristol
producer, podcaster

dni if:

  • realshipper

  • transcendental idealist

  • lame



in my phd, i work on marxist approaches to the metaphysics of gender and the history and philosophy of trans medicinei co-convened the UK Workshop in Trans Philosophy, the first conference of its kind in the UKinterests include:

  • social ontology of gender, race, class, disability, esp. Haslanger

  • critical history and philosophy of science and medicine

  • marxist philosophy, esp. Lukács, Althusser

  • marxist- / materialist feminism and social reproduction theory

  • trans studies

presentations and wips (contact me for copies):

  • Gender, exploded: social and sexual reproduction across social categories (presentation, MANCEPT What Is Gender? 2022)

  • What is trans reproduction? (presentation, UK Workshop on Trans Philosophy 2022)

  • Gender and Reification: Reading Sally-Haslanger as a Marxist-feminism (presentation, MANCEPT What Is Gender? 2021 and Social Ontology 2021)

  • ‘Being read’: the DSM-5, pathologising transness and epistemic injustice in trans healthcare (manuscript)



Hot Singleswith Autumn and Boocanan
part of the Export Audio network
we pick albums and talk about them